Rest your case with FUNNY lawyer cartoons & comics! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

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  • On trial, the defendant vampire is questioned by lawyer during trial.
  • Scientist testifying in court denies cloning reality tv to lawyer and judge.
  • A couple is pulled over by a police dog for trying to park too close to the fire hydrant.
  • A plastic surgeon raises suspicion of jury tampering because of the large number of breast enlargements.
  • A hermit crab steals a snail's shell.
  • A pig on trial confesses in court in that he brought home the bacon.
  • Courtroom judge questions restraining order on groundhog's shadow.
  • The favorite songs of some TV and movie celebrity icons.
  • Dr. Frankenstein presents legal case in courtroom with The Red Cross for trademark infringement.
  • A bear has a search warrant to enter a camping tent.
  • Police investigate a murder scene where some pushed the envelope.
  • Gravy is on judicial trial accused of trying to smother a turkey.