Rest your case with FUNNY lawyer cartoons & comics! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

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  • A baby notices that by hitting items in store with hammer he gets attention just like a judge in a court.
  • Parrot sees judge again in courtroom about plagiarism case.
  • An incompetent slug assassin uses pepper instead of salt.
  • Doctor examines x-ray and determines that they left a surgical assistant inside patient's body.
  • Trick-or-Treater looks exactly like the homeowner, effectively stealing his identity as his costume.
  • A judge with a sense of humor instructs the bailiff to either deflate a beach ball or throw it back to the crowd.
  • The Grim Reaper plays Jeopardy, but gets every question wrong, hence wrongful death.
  • Dick Tracy watches as his new nemesis, Plum-Face, is born due to falling to a vat of anti aging Retin-A.
  • Judge thought the person on trial in court was innocent, but the people at home voted him guilty.
  • A new house is really cheap because it is built right next to a driving range.
  • A fortune teller that sees all does not see a crime in front of her shop.
  • Boy misses a documentary on illegal file sharing, so he downloads it off the internet.