Rest your case with FUNNY lawyer cartoons & comics! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

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  • Fast food area for picking up food and an area for regretting it.
  • Dalmatian puppies prompt husband to question his wife's fire truck ride.
  • Aging Batman rides motorized Bat Rascal scooter to chase thief.
  • Owner thinks dog chewed couch and guilty cat offers to prosecute the case pro bono.
  • Nerd plays Hack-A-Mole with laptop at carnival.
  • Fish at bottom of sea admit that female fish above them is out of their league.
  • To raise money, the city issues parking tickets to commuters stuck in traffic.
  • Baby mouse's round ears reveal mother's relationship with Mickey Mouse.
  • Perp Shampoo helps the accused create a hairstyle to cover their face for arraignment.
  • Lawyer brings in surprise witness who sneaks up behind judge with an airhorn.
  • Cops use good cop flamboyant cop routine to make suspects uncomfortable.
  • Easter bunny is wrongly accused of Humpty Dumpty's death after confessing to his color dyeing.