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  • After Jack and Jill incident, legal comes to address safety issues with water cooler on hill.
  • Consumer police reports of abusing travel mugs, garden shovels, gps, and terms and conditions.
  • Sherlock Holmes thinks a thief stole Watson's clothes when found naked in his fiance's closet.
  • Box of chocolates gets massacred on Valentine's Day by taster trying all the different flavors.
  • Dogs in security line avoid body scanner because they are eager to be pat down.
  • Judge wears patterned robe to court and his wife calls to say she found his other robe.
  • Humpty Dumpty worries he'll be chosen as the fall guy for the company.
  • Woman worm confesses male worm is a little too down to earth for her.
  • Goldilocks gets idea from Mama Bear's Facebook status.
  • Rudolph sues sick reindeer for trademark infringement for having red nose.
  • Bryan didn't realize the policeman followed his speeding updates on Twitter.
  • To cover up the failed robbery, pickpocket compliments victim's butt instead.