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  • Man thinks network is unsecure and hiding people prove it.
  • Contractor accidentally installs dance floor in kitchen.
  • CIA attempts to overthrow dictators by invading their private, personal space.
  • Thief steals car decorated for just married couple and wonders how cop found him so quickly.
  • At party of food mascots, someone yells "Let's break bread"' and Pillsbury Doughboy gets killed.
  • Frog prince's human form reveals that he's been kissing someone else.
  • Louie sees his name on microwave button and worries for his safety.
  • Cat woos ninth cat girlfriend in his ninth life by calling their love once-in-a-lifetime.
  • Policeman ignores Pinocchio's growing nose and tries to spot subtle signs he's lying.
  • Photo of toilet helps repairman prove man dropped cell phone in toilet.
  • King worries about queen's admiration of hired moat boy.
  • Patient with protruding tool from head knows where doctor's lost favorite clamp went.