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  • A snowglobe comes home early and finds his wife and another snowglobe shaken up.
  • A turkey takes out a life insurance policy.
  • A cat tries to act casual after leaving the bones of the fish it ate in the bowl for its owner to find.
  • A wrecking ball has an affair with a homewrecker.
  • A domestic turkey leaves everything to its kids, but a wild turkey leaves everything to its girlfriends.
  • A kid thinks he has mice because the mousetraps he put around his Halloween candy went off, but his parents both have bandages on their fingers.
  • A monster dresses up in a woman's clothes because he got bored hiding in her closet.
  • A butter lawyer asks a defendant to identify a butter knife.
  • A skeleton cheats on her husband and he comes back and catches her with her body parts detached.
  • Witches go on cooking shows where they make potions.
  • A dog climbs a mountain to receive wisdom and learns that disobedience is okay if no one sees it.
  • Possums have a funeral with a flat coffin for their roadkill friend.