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  • Instead of counting backwards, anesthesiologists have patients read itunes terms and conditions.
  • Jellyfish wears his tentacles up in a man bun.
  • Elves wonder who took the last slice of pizza.
  • Husband comes home to christmas tree cheating with decorations strewn on the floor.
  • Woman asked to identify from line up who watched her while she slept.
  • Therapist reassures turkey that it is normal to feel cold in the middle.
  • Smartphone excuses cheating to husband by claiming they were only taking selfies.
  • To get DNA sample from suspect, Detective sends in soda can.
  • Mrs. Potatohead sees no difference in cheating on husband with potatohead cable guy.
  • The Innocence Project helps exonerate and release the Kraken.
  • The Hulk testifies truthfully in courtroom.