Rest your case with FUNNY lawyer cartoons & comics! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Lawyers & Legal Cartoons

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  • Cartoon character Bart Simpson nervous as lawyer presents to court spiky triangle hair evidence found at crime scene.
  • Horrified woman in court sentenced by judge to use drivers license photo for social media profile pictures online.
  • Medical receptionist at World Blood Donor Day blood drive tells masked serial killer with bag that most people donate their own blood.
  • Buffalo driver passes police sobriety test because no part was wasted.
  • Cat in carrier with scratched owner wonders if it will get a longer sentence for resisting arrest.
  • Glass of water confesses sins to water purifier pitcher priest in church confessional.
  • Bored whale watching TV thinks killer whale is predictable murder suspect on whodunnit mystery show.
  • Female peacock thinks male with only three tail feathers displayed isn’t fully committed to their relationship.
  • Dog asks if it’s legal cat crossed out their names on food dishes and wrote her own.
  • Mitten suspects wife of infidelity because one of their children is a glove.
  • Judge looks at instructions to assemble juror parts spread across courtroom floor.
  • Purple color runs away from rainbow created by light passing through prism.