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  • Cat judge sentences guilty cat on trial to 16 blocks inside a moving car.
  • Chubby dog waiting to be fed changed food serving size to whole bag with marker.
  • Oscar the Grouch describes raccoon trashcan thief suspect to police sketch artist on Sesame Street.
  • Snowmen in court inherit extra face and body parts in deceased snowman’s will.
  • Scared snowmen audience watches twig arm come out of grave in horror film.
  • Snowman on laptop sees snow removal website ad and wonders if its relationship is in trouble.
  • Suspicious snowman sees salted foods on computer browser history as wife brings him a snack.
  • Scared cookies watch Christmas horror movie with Santa murderer coming down chimney.
  • Dog opening Christmas present tells guilty dog regifted dead rodent looks already rolled in.
  • Scary turkey with baster silhouetted in window in Baste Motel parody of Hitchcock’s movie Psycho.
  • Cop asks cat to identify pet owner who gave it dry food in police line up.
  • Suspicious fruit asks returning husband why he smells like pumpkin spice.