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  • Mad snail drivers report crashed shell car accident to snail cop.
  • Pet owner catches cat planning checklist of places to throw up in.
  • Researcher tells scientist mouse has been afraid of mazes since saw “The Shining.”
  • Dog in confessional tells priest tricks owners to feed second breakfast.
  • Scary tree removal police officer patrolling neighborhood intimidates frightened trees.
  • Pet owner sees wet footprints evidence path from empty fish bowl to guilty cat pretending to sleep.
  • Upset Loch Ness Monster’s home ransacked by robbers because lockless door unlocked.
  • Criminal consumers arrested for eating sharing size candy, playing Words With Friends game with strangers, coffee in a tea cup and blowing nose on toilet paper.
  • Scared gifts in cinema audience see girl rip wrapping paper opening present in scary movie.
  • Cats commit crimes vandalizing torn curtains, dangerous speeding downstairs, breaking and entering treats, and shedding fur napping in laundry basket.
  • Criminal cat robber steals bread, hit and run breaks flowerpot, stalking attacks feet and wakes owner resisting a rest.
  • Cop can’t give driver using smartphone with foot ticket for loop hole in hands-free driving rules.