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Browse our Human Resources Cartoons

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  • Telecommuting woman sees jerk pet coworker cat deleting computer file and dog chewing paperwork.
  • Confused telecommuting workers on online Zoom meeting can’t decide what day it is.
  • Grouchy cat boss knocks telecommuting owner’s paperwork off desk in harsh performance review.
  • Pet owner’s disgusting cat barf and dog slobber coworker noises are a working from home problem.
  • Demanding dog and cat bosses want bellies rubbed by owner in working from home problems.
  • Sneaky dog coworker runs off stealing owner’s lunch in working from home problems.
  • Attention seeking cats and dog crowding owner’s home office cause unproductive meetings in working from home problems.
  • Difficult commute tripping over cat and dog on stairs is pet owner’s working from home problem.
  • Realizing the jerk who doesn’t refill the empty coffee maker is you is a working from home problem.
  • Noisy cat and dog coworkers chatting is pet owner’s working from home problem.
  • Angry manager shows Godzilla destroying store no eating rule sign.
  • Boss asks worker in meeting if he sees any blindspots in business plan and he says he can’t see any.