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Browse our Human Resources Cartoons

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  • History's least challenging job was making a map for Noah's ark.
  • A woman keeps having false labor that interrupts her during dinner and showers because her unborn child is going to grow up to be a telemarketer.
  • It's hard to get cherries on the conveyor belt at the cordial factory because they're too polite.
  • The Hair Club for Men stops hiring ex-umpires because they shout too loudly.
  • An IRS agent out of work has a sign saying he'll eat 1/3 of the food of the bum next to him.
  • Dogs agree to live in a dog-eat-cat world instead of a dog-eat-dog world.
  • Don King is horrified to have a good hair day.
  • The cow that jumped over the moon is now a steak after reentering the Earth's atmosphere.
  • A woman's resume only says that she can answer Wheel of Fortune questions before the contestants.
  • People who work at the iron factory get worried they left the iron on.
  • People crawl around the floor of a contact lens factory looking for the lenses.
  • A man's cubicle looks like a Rubiks Cube.