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Browse our Human Resources Cartoons

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  • A company offers a competitive salary of money that plays volleyball.
  • The NHL hires Mattel to redesign hockey penalty boxes with a Barbie design.
  • A man mispronounces a common name, so he should become a telemarketer.
  • Beanie Babies petition against forced retirement.
  • Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer loses his job to Pubertolph, who has hundreds of glowing red zits.
  • Two losers in an office want to get recognized as zeroes in Y2K.
  • A company's CEO says they have some dead wood, scaring Pinocchio.
  • A cat goes on a talk show to talk about living in a fish bowl.
  • A man whose wife just had twins has an IV of coffee to stay awake.
  • A pumpkin's resume is a fairy tale.
  • Worker bees photocopy their stingers at office parties.
  • Fish have trouble adjusting to reorganization.