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Browse our Human Resources Cartoons

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  • Nurses excited to take patient to beach for his vitamin D treatment.
  • A woman asks a man buying reusable tote bags if he wants them bagged in paper or plastic.
  • Fancy coffee shop has all flavors but plain coffee.
  • Boss with misplaced toupee hairpiece lectures on appearance.
  • Man goes without pants because he's tired of being called fancy pants.
  • Bailiff thinks his job includes warming up crowd with courtroom comedy.
  • Man wears a kick yourself sign to be proactive as other employees kick themselves.
  • Man has odd-shaped office next to the oval office.
  • Wife visits husband who works at complaint department.
  • Only those talking about the economy are thriving in this economy.
  • Beggar offers to make you seem interesting on your blog if you give him money.
  • A mattress company's manager thinks his employee is demonstrating the lack of motion transfer when he sees him drinking on a mattress.