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Browse our Human Resources Cartoons

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  • To encourage usage of website, customer service offers embarrassing phone option.
  • One dog year equals seven years so store can minimize bad luck from broken mirrors.
  • Computer wife finds husband with laptop secretary on his lap.
  • Man questions Jack Be Nimble's ability to compete in the modern era.
  • Boss tells employees that there is no scapegoating or goatscaping during his meetings.
  • Fortune teller asks job applicant where he'll be in five years.
  • Appendix hopes no one at work asks him what he does.
  • For Father's Day, Mark's family provides all the ideas for comics so he can have the day off.
  • In post-game interview, chess piece says it was moved by the win.
  • Cat is scolded for rubbing up against coworkers.
  • Employees quickly volunteer to cut boss-shaped cake.
  • Mayfly is asked to visualize self in five minutes in terms of career.