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Browse our Human Resources Cartoons

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  • A carpenter asks his employees to raise the roof and they dance instead of doing construction.
  • Work-Doh is a playdough that shapes your future.
  • A lamppost dad tells his son that his mom worked a street corner when he met her.
  • Pandora works in a cubicle of demons.
  • An employee washes his hands in the bathroom, but the rest of him is covered in dirt.
  • Santa is a suspect of a crime at a Jewish house.
  • A cell phone in a restaurant is looking for service.
  • A penguin is all white and his tuxedo markings were a rental.
  • Dog was tired of running to door, so he hired a greeter to do his job.
  • Banker wants to discuss financial balance, not man's ability to balance.
  • Spa employee sticks whole cucumbers in client's eyes instead of slices.
  • Daily calendar Neal hasn't ripped any days off himself since the new year.