FUNNY accountant cartoons & comics add up the laughs! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

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  • A man accounts for taste.
  • Amusement parks for accountants have rides like the pocket protector wheel.
  • A fantasy line tells you you have no taxes and a big refund.
  • A man accidentally drains the sun by leaving his solar calculator on.
  • A man's delinquent bills act immaturely.
  • Saturn goes broke and pawns its rings.
  • Frankenstein is excited to have created life, but also to have created a tax deduction.
  • A bankrupt beehive displays a sign stating it is "Going Out of Beeswax," while a bee holds a sign stating, "Will Work for Honey."
  • Medusa is inside of a game called "Whack-A-Snake" because she fell on hard times and needed another job.
  • One acrobat says to another, Derekson, as he holds him on the trapeze, they are downsizing the act, and he has to let him go.
  • One clock tells another he's going to ask out Clara in accounting because he's heard she's pretty fast.
  • Salesperson for IRS stamp company can't ever find anyone at home.