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  • Pinocchio takes a job as sawdust during hard times.
  • Frodo isn't give a ring, but a tax loophole that everyone is after.
  • The old lady who lived in a shoe doesn't worry about IRS audits because she keeps her receipts in a shoe box.
  • Adam and Eve have the original Sin Tax on apples.
  • The Emperor has new stock options, but they can't be seen.
  • George Harrison gets audited every year because he wrote 'Taxman.'
  • Satan has poor accounting skills and gets audited.
  • The latest home pages are newspapers you sleep under.
  • A genie can only fill 2 wishes because the IRS takes the last one off the top.
  • Jack tries to sell bean stocks before they come crashing down.
  • A company called Red Flag Manufacturing gets flagged by the IRS every year.
  • Mr. Potatohead has to send his leg to the IRS for taxes.