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Browse our Reptiles & Amphibians Cartoons

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  • Man tells friend that snakes feeling slimy is a myth, not seeing that snake swallowed friend, and friend thinks snakes feel slimy from the inside.
  • Man on barstool watching FDA report on TV asks frog if he can believe the bug parts allowed in food, frog says it's pretty skimpy.
  • Children watching National Geographic are scared of mom because mother turtles abandon young, and mother chameleons eat their young.
  • Floyd the frog gets swindled out of his money when he buys swampland, but it turns out to be a grassy field with trees.
  • Turtle coming out of a store wonders where he parked because the parking lot is full of turtle shells that all look the same.
  • Turtle stuck on back after falling off ladder agrees to take wife to dinner and movie and buy roses if she will turn him over.
  • Snake serves man in diner BLT sandwich, man makes face, snake tells him in these parts, BLT means bloated lizard and toad sandwich.
  • Turtle trying to reach racing finish line is followed by a Hare Krishna who keeps trying to get his attention and give him pamphlet.
  • Tony sweeps up his hair salon, floor is covered in snake heads, says he hates it when Medusa gets a trim.
  • Turtle locks himself out of his shell, he is standing next to shell naked and using wire hanger to try and open shell.