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Browse our Reptiles & Amphibians Cartoons

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  • A fast food server asks a frog if he wants flies with his meal.
  • A company tries to hire someone with skills in construction, but a snake applies because he's good at constriction.
  • A man sells his stocks in a company getting eaten by Godzilla.
  • Boa constrictor with a big, full belly sits at desk, and upon learning about the arrival of another salesman, agrees to squeeze one more in.
  • Fly on his way to a stress reduction training seminar narrowly escapes death by a flyswatter, a frog, a spider, a cat, and bug spray.
  • Long and winding roadkill is long snake with his body curved and a tire tread mark running over him.
  • Giant turtle, after swallowing man, scares workers away by asking them if guy looks good in a turtleneck, and man is visible inside turtle's throat.
  • Medusa is inside of a game called "Whack-A-Snake" because she fell on hard times and needed another job.
  • Frog is upset because she has a date, and there are no warts on her face.
  • Lewis, copes with being eaten by a snake by going on with his daily life, even though he's still stuck in the snake's belly.
  • Father alligator tells mother alligator that their baby is getting big, and he wonders if they should flush her down the toilet.
  • Woman explains her half cat-half reptile pet because her lease only allowed one pet, so she and Jim compromised by having their pets combined.