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A fast food server asks a frog if he wants flies with his meal.
A company tries to hire someone with skills in construction, but a snake applies because he's good at constriction.
A man sells his stocks in a company getting eaten by Godzilla.
Boa constrictor with a big, full belly sits at desk, and upon learning about the arrival of another salesman, agrees to squeeze one more in.
Fly on his way to a stress reduction training seminar narrowly escapes death by a flyswatter, a frog, a spider, a cat, and bug spray.
Long and winding roadkill is long snake with his body curved and a tire tread mark running over him.
Giant turtle, after swallowing man, scares workers away by asking them if guy looks good in a turtleneck, and man is visible inside turtle's throat.
Medusa is inside of a game called "Whack-A-Snake" because she fell on hard times and needed another job.
Frog is upset because she has a date, and there are no warts on her face.
Lewis, copes with being eaten by a snake by going on with his daily life, even though he's still stuck in the snake's belly.
Father alligator tells mother alligator that their baby is getting big, and he wonders if they should flush her down the toilet.
Woman explains her half cat-half reptile pet because her lease only allowed one pet, so she and Jim compromised by having their pets combined.