Slither through FUNNY reptile & amphibian cartoons & comics! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Reptiles & Amphibians Cartoons

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  • A snake sheds his skin before he can grow a new one and becomes a puddle.
  • Godzilla does some "number crunching" by eating marathon runners.
  • A turtle goes to therapy for claustrophobia.
  • A woman wishes she had something to take her mind off her headache while an alligator creeps out of the toilet behind her.
  • Alligators try to trick people on a boat tour into putting their hands outside the boat.
  • Turtles look for new places to live, but all the good ones are on a golf course.
  • Different species react differently to seeing females.
  • A snake eats a lot because she's pregnant with twenty to thirty eggs.
  • St. Patrick goes on a road trip to drive the snakes out of Ireland.
  • A lizard's breakaway tail thwarts predators and unwanted romantic advances.
  • A snake tries to give a party blower mouth-to-mouth.
  • One Godzilla offers another one some halls for his cold.