Slither through FUNNY reptile & amphibian cartoons & comics! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Reptiles & Amphibians Cartoons

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  • A chameleon mother looks for her kids, who changed color to blend into the living room.
  • A lizard tells her husband that she wants to have kids while they're still young enough to eat them.
  • A man holds a bird and a snake, maybe because demonstrating how to catch mice but probably because he's run out of ideas for cartoons.
  • Tadpole is jealous that other tadpole is looking at a third's tadpole's legs.
  • A turtle uses an anti-theft steering wheel lock on his shell when he's not inside it.
  • A snake learning to drive can't put his foot on the brake because he doesn't have feet.
  • Hidden predator frogs sneak inside wooden Trojan horse fly present fooling horseflies prey.
  • Prehistoric T-Rex dinosaurs eat smaller cave man Horace hors d’oeuvres before big cavemen meal.
  • An alligator eats Frank Perdue and thinks he tastes like chicken.
  • A snake eats the groundhog on groundhog day.
  • A snake runs out of wrapping paper, so he wraps a present for his wife in his shed skin.
  • A snake kid helps his mom make dinner by helping her strangle a man.