Slither through FUNNY reptile & amphibian cartoons & comics! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Reptiles & Amphibians Cartoons

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  • While cloud watching, a woman describes an elaborate scene in details and and her friend sees the same thing in the clouds.
  • Fish evolve legs and migrate out of water but Lenny the fish has yet to evolve struggling out of water.
  • Godzilla's friends stage an intervention because he can't stop eating drunk people out of bars.
  • Reality show Flip That House is on TV while a pet turtle struggles to flip his house.
  • Wife in kitchen responds to husband sneezing up snakes, as he suffers from the uncommon cold.
  • Another lizard wears camouflage to be like chameleons.
  • A boy chameleon changes his color to purple to impress girl chameleon whose favorite color is purple.
  • Harry Potter sees Voldermort reading "Chicken Soup for the Horcrux."
  • Colorblind chameleon is spotted as always picks wrong color trying to blend in background.
  • An author signs his Origin of Species Evolution book before a line of species in descending evolution.
  • A frog and anteater browse a restaurant menu for an appetizer and compromise with flying ants.
  • A galapagos turtle turns 150.