Slither through FUNNY reptile & amphibian cartoons & comics! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Reptiles & Amphibians Cartoons

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  • Turtles see kids in a turtle sandbox and are horrified.
  • Duck's Twitter followers were her ducklings, but others joined in.
  • Snake swallows cell phone to make nearby diner stop talking.
  • Chameleon in police lineup camouflages himself to avoid being identified.
  • Chicken finds paintings of reptiles are the chicken's taste.
  • Princesses eat frog that lies about being a prince.
  • Chameleon son fakes holding his breath and turns blue to get his mother's attention.
  • Research testing done to determine if yawns are contagious to animals.
  • Hermit crabs use tortoise shell as condominium.
  • Witch selecting from too many eye of newt options at grocery store.
  • A frog looking at Playtoad doesn't realize the centerfold's warts are prosthetic.
  • Husband finds his wife in bed but doesn't see the other man.