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Browse our Other Animal Cartoons

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  • A woman wants to buy a rug the same color as her cat so she doesn't have to vacuum its fur.
  • Bats go to a faith healer to become blind again.
  • A man sells his stocks in a company getting eaten by Godzilla.
  • A porcupine watches the show Untouchables.
  • A cat doesn't see the point of cat litter because he fills the cat box himself.
  • Cats learn to use a fish net, scaring the pet fish.
  • A flea goes on vacation to a dog's tail and comes back dizzy.
  • Lions see a car with two people in it as half full.
  • Godzillas play Monopoly with a real city.
  • Cats in Capistrano wait for the cat-feeding holiday.
  • Pigs see another pig on a table with an apple in his mouth.
  • A cat feels sleep deprived if he sleeps fewer than 21 1/2 hours.