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Browse our Other Animal Cartoons

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  • Dogs land on Earth in an UFO.
  • Godzilla eats a bunch of unhealthy food factories and needs to eat the Pepto Bismol building.
  • A cat inspires one of Newton's laws.
  • A dog is annoyed that his mistress can dig and fertilize the garden, but he can't.
  • The cartoon shows a diagram of what human body parts mean to dogs.
  • Jackson Pollock's assistant is a dog.
  • Ancient Egyptians worshiped the cat diety Eetansleep Awlday.
  • A poodle shaves parts of her owner's hair in the night.
  • A cat teaches kittens how to offend their owners.
  • Cat police play a recording of a can opener to entice out a fleeing cat criminal.
  • A dog wants to cover his new home's floor in garbage.
  • A man's new cat steals his wallet.