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Browse our Other Animal Cartoons

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  • The real reason Pavlov's dog salivated was because he saw an attractive female dog.
  • A vacuum salesman accidentally sucks up a woman's cat while giving a demonstration.
  • The specials at a dog restaurant are homework.
  • Godzilla has a full face of makeup after biting the Mary Kay Cosmetics building.
  • A cat has a bumper sticker that says "I'd Rather Be Sleeping."
  • A dog breaks everything in the house.
  • A man dreams of flying, a pet bird dreams of swimming, and a pet fish dreams of walking.
  • A caveman teaches his pet dinosaur to roll over, but the dinosaur crushes him.
  • A cat tells his friend he's lucky to have bugs and mice infesting his house.
  • A dog tells his secretary he's too busy for a bath today.
  • A dog goes to therapy because he think his master is manipulative.
  • A pig signs up to work for a store that sells pickled pig's feet.