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Browse our Fish Cartoons

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  • Fish has outdated or throwback style and should be thrown back.
  • Fish likes washer but dryer doesn't dry clothes underwater.
  • Man wishes he paid attention in physics class when catapulting to woman on other island.
  • Moby Dick receives a poke on Facebook from Ishmael.
  • Creature leaves lagoon when doctor shows him blackened gills.
  • Divers looking for cuttlefish instead find hugging cuddlefish.
  • Logan's mom accidentally reads Mad Libs as remedies for child's sickness.
  • Shark's reflex when dentist reaches into mouth is to bite off dentist's fin.
  • Kids make sandcastle so effective it leaves family stranded.
  • Bumble Beep canned roadrunner parodies Bumble Bee tuna.
  • Cats attracted by fish smell prompt man to light candle that attracts bees.
  • Ted thought he was asked to bring his stripper pole, not his striper fishing pole.