Swim through the schools of FUNNY fish cartoons & comics! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Fish Cartoons

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  • A castle in a fishtank is labeled 'No Exit'.
  • Sharks are going to attack a couple in an inner tube.
  • Cat claims he is performing autopsy on eaten fish he found dead on floor.
  • Fish slows down relationship by giving boyfriend hot wasabi to eat.
  • Naked man stung by jellyfish on nude beach has worse day than clothed man stung.
  • Squid tries to hide from mother-in-law in ink.
  • Cat pushes dog off stairs to get dopamine high.
  • Sharks are impressed by Sal's seal impression and eat him.
  • A hermit crab sharing his shell with a girl crab rethinks being a hermit.
  • Rumor is this salmon will spawn anywhere.
  • Humpback whale lives rock star life since his song was recorded by marine biologist.
  • Fisherman catches pollock that looks like it was painted by Jackson Pollock.