Swim through the schools of FUNNY fish cartoons & comics! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Fish Cartoons

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  • A man has a dream every night that a stinky fish is crushing his chest, but actually his cat is sitting on his chest and breathing on his face.
  • A cat gives another cat a fish from the tank for Christmas.
  • Parents come to parents' night at a school and a monster looks at his kid's webbed hand turkey.
  • A whale psychic predicts that another whale will retire to the beach.
  • Sharks attacking a diver in a cage prefer cage-free divers.
  • A boy watching a back to school ad wishes he didn't have to go, but the fish watching wishes he was back with his school.
  • Sharks post pictures of people at the beach online.
  • A woman's cat rubs up against a magic lamp and wishes for fish, mice, and birds.
  • A penguin looks up flying animals online and feels jealous.
  • Posideon watches a catfish video on his computer.
  • A crab breaks its phone in half because it's texting angry.
  • A man finds his wife's keys and finds Waldo and Nemo to rub it in.