FUNNY bird cartoons & comics keep you squawking with laughter! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Birds Cartoons

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  • Peacock says gesundheit to blank tail bird who sneezed off feather spot pattern.
  • Flying bird says not fair walking ostrich’s smartphone fitness tracker counts more steps.
  • Peacock with selfie stick smartphone photographs eyes spots tail feathers but one blinked.
  • Autocorrected depressed beach sand dune, sunscreen sun yells, stoned ocean toad & rude bird sea gull gall spelling changes.
  • Cream of Wheat brand spoof canary birds instant cat breakfast cereal package.
  • Different father animals tell corny and cheesy dad jokes to their young children & babies.
  • Defense Attorney perching with crow flock in tree successful reducing murder to manslaughter trial.
  • Greek myth boy Icarus protects wings from sun with zillion SPF sunscreen.
  • Cat thinks Mmm thought bubble at M birds flying by cloud.
  • Hungry cat wants M bird drawings M&M candies flying out window.
  • Obese squirrel expert teaches Ted Talks lesson on best bird feeders.
  • Disgusted bird throws up in mouth but baby chicks in nest are excited for supper.

Mark Parisi has been creating hilarious off the mark bird cartoons for more than 25 years.  You can find wild birds cartoons including robins, bluejays, ducks, geese, swans and mockingbirds along with domesticated birds such parrots, parakeets, canaries, turkeys, chickens, roasters and ostriches.