FUNNY bird cartoons & comics keep you squawking with laughter! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Birds Cartoons

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  • Seagull gamer in headphones plays beach french fries stealing Grand Theft Auto video game spoof.
  • Summer autocorrected sunken sand castle, surfing pig surf board, guilt confessing concession stand & balding hair head volleyball.
  • Squirrel at wildlife restaurant steals birdseed meal from confused birds diner & waitstaff with empty plate.
  • Upright bat tells sloth hanging up on tree with reversed squirrel & bird perched downwards it’s matter of perspective.
  • Doctor bats monitor asleep upside-down bat patient’s Rapid Ears Movements R.E.M. echolocation motions.
  • Injured dog expects ridicule but sympathetic pets in elizabethan collar cones welcome friend home from veterinarian together.
  • Thanksgiving leftovers and next course dessert pies bands perform onstage for cheering concert fans.
  • Fortune teller warns turkey not to fill up on bread in Thanksgiving prediction.
  • Thanksgiving turkey cheater caught with red wine bottle tells jealous white wine not only one he goes with.
  • Misspelled Thanksgiving texts autocorrected bread stuffing staffing, turkey gobble Google, cranberry sauce saw & underwear gift thongs giving.
  • Thanksgiving turkey drinking at pub thinks flirting sliced bread lady is into him.
  • Hen wearing offensive killer Colonel Sanders mask upsets chickens costume party guests.

Mark Parisi has been creating hilarious off the mark bird cartoons for more than 25 years.  You can find wild birds cartoons including robins, bluejays, ducks, geese, swans and mockingbirds along with domesticated birds such parrots, parakeets, canaries, turkeys, chickens, roasters and ostriches.