FUNNY bird cartoons & comics keep you squawking with laughter! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Birds Cartoons

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  • Duckbill platypuses party guests suspect tiny nose & mouth animal had plastic surgeries.
  • Eye doctor owl in eye chart filled office tells patient turning head to read next one behind it.
  • Rude male peacock on subway with big plumage feathers spreading on seat annoys crowded female peahen birds.
  • Mother bird regurgitates piñata treat candies for chick children’s birthday party game.
  • Flirting female peahen playing hide and seek game tricks male peacock to reveal tail feather plumage behind tree.
  • Surprised lady at gym hot yoga class sees owl with mat working out at hoot yoga bird fitness.
  • Songbird tells bird with blooming daisy flower fart bum with all seeds it eats was just a matter of time.
  • Chickens friends drink at bar, asks if tried hot yoga workout & hen answers plucked & roasted chicken Glenda has.
  • Stealing obsessed gull hoarding beach stuff says it started with french fries but got out of hand.
  • Lady wonders who used laptop to learn second language as pet cat chirps at birds of feeder outside window.
  • Heavenly baker uses handy multipurpose halo as round biscuit cutting kitchen tool.
  • Man covered in huge poo splat picks guilty Big Bird from criminal birds suspects line-up.

Mark Parisi has been creating hilarious off the mark bird cartoons for more than 25 years.  You can find wild birds cartoons including robins, bluejays, ducks, geese, swans and mockingbirds along with domesticated birds such parrots, parakeets, canaries, turkeys, chickens, roasters and ostriches.