FUNNY bird cartoons & comics keep you squawking with laughter! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Birds Cartoons

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  • Oriole songbird Oreo cookie spoof is bird flavored for cats.
  • Owl in bed asks bird with head turned face up if it sleeps on stomach & answers that it is.
  • Sci Fi movie droid R2-D2 & owl at bar fall in love swiveling heads 180 degrees.
  • Hummingbird scolds trendy young bird wearing baseball cap for beatboxing instead of humming.
  • Turkey reading newspaper is insulted by old man’s complaint about his wrinkled throat skin.
  • Bugs Bunny asks Warner Bros characters at empty table who put Wile E. in charge of getting bird.
  • Bird in bed with cooked Thanksgiving roast asks if sex was hot for her too.
  • Duckbilled platypus on laptop family tree website surprised panda & giraffe are it’s relatives.
  • Frightened birds say scary bird house with kitty hidden inside is haunted.
  • Customer at birds’ bakery orders baker’s daily crumb special.
  • Pointer toy obsessed kitty at bar understands Wile E. Coyote’s roadrunner problem.
  • Tyranosaurus tells caught worm dinosaurs early birds if think about it.

Mark Parisi has been creating hilarious off the mark bird cartoons for more than 25 years.  You can find wild birds cartoons including robins, bluejays, ducks, geese, swans and mockingbirds along with domesticated birds such parrots, parakeets, canaries, turkeys, chickens, roasters and ostriches.