Don’t get bugged looking for FUNNY insect & spider cartoons & comics! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Insects & Spiders Cartoons

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  • A caterpillar's date goes upstairs to change and takes forever because she's turning into a butterfly.
  • Ants hide in Raisin Bran and pretend to be raisins.
  • Natural wonders for sand fleas include a grand canyon made by a woman's buttocks.
  • A woman thinks people look like ants from the top floor of the genetic engineering facility, but really they're giant ants.
  • A fast food server asks a frog if he wants flies with his meal.
  • A flea goes on vacation to a dog's tail and comes back dizzy.
  • Birds hope their friend who went to Florida will bring back a giant cockroach.
  • Carpenter ants need to evacuate because of a drill in the wall.
  • A fly trying to bother a heavy sleeper uses a megaphone.
  • People crash testing a car have a crash test bug fly into the windshield.
  • A butterfly who only lives for 24 hours tries to borrow 50 bucks from a ladybug.
  • Ants only visit their mom on sundaes.