FUNNY cat cartoons & comics are the cat’s meow! GREAT for print, presentation & web projects. Up to 50% off! SEARCH NOW in our 10,000+ database!

Browse our Cats Cartoons

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  • A cat sees a psychiatrist because Christmas torments him.
  • A dog chews on a Christmas Stocking, and gets hit by a booby trap.
  • A woman gets eight maids, but has nothing for them to milk.
  • Cats have to eat store brand cat food on Feline Fear Factor.
  • A witch doesn't mind black cats as much as white cats.
  • Cats go into an aviary.
  • A cat gets stuck inside a gerbil's house.
  • Cats revise their plan when the dog's leash area increases.
  • A cat and fish trades spaces.
  • A cat eats a blowfish straight from the tank.
  • Cats watch a cat version of the Matrix.
  • A girl knows so much about animal anatomy because of her cats.