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Sleeping Russian nesting doll mother is shaken awake & asks children inside who forgot to shut off their phone.
Dog wearing veterinarian first aid collar at dogs park says it’s fine, just an introvert.
Flirting female peahen playing hide and seek game tricks male peacock to reveal tail feather plumage behind tree.
Pet owner leaves adopted dog inside to get food from car and shocked house is suddenly destroyed.
Confused AirDancer balloon reading yoga pose book stands upright while flexible waving inflated tube men bend.
Suspicious onion at cinema ticket booth thinks adult movie customer three pea children in trench coat disguise.
Dad and kid at carnival enjoy fair vendors’ tasty twisted sausage & balloon animals.
Frozen ice pop sees melted popsicle sticks soaking in warm water jacuzzi spa.
Belching garden pest predator lady bug apologizes for aphid reflux stomach upset.Belching garden pest predator lady bug apologizes for aphid reflux stomach upset.Belching garden pest predator lady bug apologizes for aphid reflux stomach upset.
Kitty waitstaff knocks plates and utensils on floor as diner says restaurant clears table quickly.
Frustrated pool cue locked out of house tells forgetful billiard table to remember which pocket it put keys in.
Dogs meeting in park both mistake owner saying Stop it You’ve Already Eaten for names.