How to Price Cartoons to Use for Your Projects
Step 1
Search for the cartoon you want (over 10,000 in the database):
If you what to do a *Boolean search, visit our Advanced Search page. The link is located above the search box.
*A Boolean search is a type of search that allows you to combine keywords with AND or OR to get more relevant results.
Step 2
Once you find the cartoon(s) you want, select the type of usage by clicking the orange BUY button that matches your usage.
If your usage is something else, please use the contact us button.
Step 3
Answer the question in the lightbox window, then agree to the licensing terms and then click on the orange ADD TO CART button.
For some usages (Books, Custom Quotes, Signed Prints outside the US, and Print/Electronic usage over 100,000 units) additional information is needed and an email form will open up. Please answer the questions and we will reply back within 24 hours (9 -5 ET in the US, M-F).
If your need is urgent, please call us at 781-665-4442.
Additional Helpful Tips for the Shopping Cart
A. The more cartoons you buy at one time, the more you save. Discounts are automatically applied to your shopping cartoon.
B. If you performed a keyword search for cartoons, this link will take you back to your previous search.
C. If you want to perform a new keyword search to add more cartoons, you can use this search box.
Want to order the cartoons from a live person, please call 781-665-4442. (M-F, 9-5 ET) and we would be happy to take your order over the phone.
Questions and/or comments, please do not hesitate to
Contact the Business Manager