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  • Fashionable sun’s stylish accessories amaze astrologers in observatory.
  • Canine game show contestant guesses where treats are hidden in people’s pockets.
  • Sneaky ninja sloth suddenly wears shocked naked Valentine’s Day cupid’s diaper.
  • Anteater on date flirts let’s pretend we have ants in our pants.
  • Confused clown looks for missing ballon animal as inflated belly snake floats away.
  • Suspicious fish on laptop ebait shopping website thinks cheap worm on hook has a catch.
  • Cat gives beautiful feline sculpture gift accidentally bought licking bum at kitty art auction.
  • Naked unwrapped package in bed says neatly folded gift wrap stripping not as passionate.
  • Grocery shopper picks cute sweet potatoes or rude dirt bag jerk vegetable displays.
  • Ninja Sloth steals man’s garish vacation clothes from suitcase luggage.
  • Cannabis dispensary closes to restock inventory after customers Willie Nelson & Snoop Dogg purchase entire store.
  • Successful vendor outside presidential election polls sells stress relief squeeze balls to stressed voters.