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You searched for: light bulb

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Light bulb at bar worries if thought balloon bulbs mean it’s an idea person or narcissistic.
  • Christmas lights motivational speaker teaches colored lightbulbs are all connected together by electric wire.
  • Reindeer in bed plugs smartphone charging cable to asleep Rudolph bulb outlet nose.
  • Dancing Xmas light bulb says party fun but wishes dances not all congas.
  • Insect wearing light bulb hat wins moths Halloween party costumes contest.
  • Active outdoor Xmas lightbulb likes outside hikes, skiing & snow but indoor light bulb reading prefers cozy fire inside.
  • When one Christmas light goes out, they all do.

  • Mark's family supplies the cartoon ideas for Father's Day.
  • A Christmas light stays out of the office and then none of the lights work.
  • A man has a striped tan because some bulbs in a tanning booth were burnt out.
  • For Father's Day, Mark's family provides all the ideas so he can have the day off.

You searched for: light bulb