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Impressive aardvark counts thousands of ants eaten at anthill tracking it’s food intake.
Anteaters watching tongue eating ants on T.V. documentary are rooting for the anty-hero.
Aardvark surprised by other’s tongue in termite mound compliments superb French kissing.
Anteater can’t wait to open tons of little ants Christmas gifts wrapped in boxes.
Dog tells finicky anteater that he is less specific, he’s an anything eater.
Stinging fire ants in anthill bite aardvark tongue and it runs screaming in pain.
Restaurant waitress asks ant eater if unhappy with cake order but it’s waiting patiently for ants.
Humpty Dumpty high on wall thinks ants tiny people in distance but bugs eat smashed yolk after falling.
Rebellious cricket prefers base ball, fire ant plays in pool, never married spider relaxes & bed bug naps on sofa.
Rebellious insects prefer housefly in condominium, army ant sailing naval ship, pillbug’s capsules medicine & friendly lice nit not jerk.
Rebellious insects defy preconceived ideas with butterfly prefers margarine, professional plumber carpenter ant, atheist praying mantis & yellowjacket wearing purple sweater.
Anteater kids order ant farm ants sprinkles ice cream cone topping at anteater scoop shop window.