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Browse our Dentists Cartoons

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  • Canine dentist tells dog he can’t work on teeth with ball in mouth & runs off stealing it.
  • Gingerbread women party guests gossip about chomped bite cookie’s lost weight.
  • Vampires company manager says worker with three fangs is their most productive employee.
  • Vampires parents see monster kid in playpen with dead body’s fang teeth have come in.
  • First deepfake is deep sea fish predator with glowing bioluminescent prey lure.
  • Deep sea predator anglerfish & scary stories face glow fishes lighted lures prey in dark underwater depths.
  • Piranha at prey eating swarm embarrassed practical fish brought container to save leftovers.
  • Snowman parent with painful chewed carrot nose noticed infant snow child started to teethe.
  • Sneaky Ninja Sloth suddenly carves creepy face on smiling pumpkin to scare girl taking smartphone photo.
  • Swimmer insults wonky sharks teeth, survives dangerous attack by insecure ocean predator.
  • Starfishes hand gestures direct scary underwater predator to frightened star fish meal.
  • Misbehaving kitty thinks man petting stomach will soon be bit unexpectedly.