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You searched for: sports fans

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  • Televisions and walls in town need repairs after fumble in big game.
  • Female feline complains male turns ears to game during romantic dinner.
  • Baseball manager argues that fan in team jersey catching a ball is an out.
  • Viewer using live rewind feature causes fans to see game go backward.
  • Interleague play combines baseball and hockey leagues.
  • Wife's Laws of Attraction backfires as husband rationalizes watching sports.
  • A judge gets a restraining order to keep his wife at least six feet away from the remote control.
  • Young and old play wii soccer mob.
  • Vendors selling food at sports game sounds like hair instead of here.
  • Baseball player is kept when caught by baseball sports fan according to the rules.
  • A new sports fan can't figure out what other fans are pointing at with their foam fingers.
  • A judge with a sense of humor instructs the bailiff to either deflate a beach ball or throw it back to the crowd.

You searched for: sports fans