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You searched for: ironic

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Kitty in window watches tiny mouse across street in dark but missed pet treats clearly in sight.
  • Banner plane advertising Ace Super Strong Rope ironically breaks tow line flying over beach.
  • Crystal ball psychic predicts dark eyes stranger date future but shark attack is swimmer’s destiny.
  • Ironic sleazy guy at bar leering at ladies personality easier to read than indecipherable writing tattooed man.
  • Racist green holly leaf hates red, yellow, orange leaves until its autumn foliage colors change unexpectedly.
  • Conflicted snow man protester with solar power sign protests warming climate change melting.
  • Zombie on smartphone filming cemetery invasion not technically live streaming videos online.
  • Woman doing newspaper crossword puzzle asks man for a five letter word for a four letter word.
  • Mad celebrity on cellphone at dinner ironically criticizes bad reviews online then says roast chicken is dried out.
  • Tree gets depressing Chinese fortune cookie paper that says he will be a fortune.
  • Cat loving cartoonist cuddling sleeping kitties ironically misses the point with aloof cats comic.
  • Woman adopting pet from animal shelter is asked if wants to be loved unconditionally or ironically by friendly excited or cool aloof dogs in kennel.

You searched for: ironic